
Procounselling was set up in Portugal to assist and help all groups of people, not just rich and famous who can afford so called elite concentrating on massages, spas and yoga.

We believe every one should have access to help and support from their addiction. That is the reason why we have formulated several support agendas, beginning primary care, followed by daycare, extended daycare and one-to-one sessios - all at affordable prices and relating to the need of each individual client,

Primary care and daycare is where each client will attend our facility all day with group therapy sessions, one-to-one counselling with complete education into the illness of addiction, how it affected them their families and friends.
It will also include written assignments, specific reading material and emotional excersising.

Extended daycare is the continuation of daycare, where individuals will be practising the responsibilities and disciplines required to maintain clean and sober.

One-to-one sessions are designed to deal with singular aspects of the area of addcition of each single individual and concentrating on each person's needs, including relapse triggers and prevention and the tools to deal with the reality of a recovering addict on a day-to-day basis.

Through ualified and confidential counselling, Prounselling can help you understand your problems and yourselves so that you can make changes in your lives. Whilst addressing those problems, personal and spiritual growth comes along.

You can learn how to manage your life in more fulfilling ways and realise your full potential. All of us feel worried or depressed at some time. Sometimes we may feel overwhelmed and that we cannot cope anymore. Perhaps we see that we are repeating the same mistakes and want to understand ourselves better to change this pattern. Working with a counsellor is an opportunity for you to talk about whatever is troubling you.

By helping you to draw on your own strengths, a qualified and experienced counsellor can help you to approach your life in a fresh way. Through this process you can learn something about yourself and how you view the world and therefore have the power to change something, if you want to.

Most people when they are in a drug rehabilitation facility do their best and make the most of it. When a person leaves a program with an aspect of their life or problem not handled, the risk of relapse occurs.
The first step of recovery should be getting help. This is something that is hard to do, to admit we have a problem. This is the first and largest leap you will take.
The thought of using drugs may never go away but it is what we do with that thought that counts. We can't be judged by our thoughts and if we could, most of the population would be in jail.
In order to help you with your recovery process we need to find something to do with the time that you used to spend using, finding and waiting for drugs - boredom can be a recovery killer. This can be done in several ways. We need to find out what it is that you used to do besides drugs for fun and entertainment. Once you have discovered it go and do it and have some fun, living a clean and sober life.

Life after drugs can be the most wonderful thing you have ever experienced. Think of it this way: can it get any worse? Everything after the miserable experience of being addicted is better, even the problems in life are not so big, once compared to having an addiction and being a drug addict.

When you have overcome drug addiction there is nothing that you can't do.
Yes! Now you can be anything you want to be but, only if you put as much energy into life as you did trying to get high or drunk. Just think of the possibilities.

So start on that road now. Lets see what happens. You can make it and be recovered.